Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Donte DiVincenzo and the PC zealots

Relatively heretofore unknown Donte DiVincenzo of Villanova has suddenly been thrust into the proverbial limelight.

This is what happens when a player comes off the bench, scores a whopping 31 points, and leads his team to the national championship. A very impressive showing indeed.

But such fame inevitably has its downside as well. It will always bring the muck-rakers out from under their rocks, trying to find some kind of "dirt" they can smear him with.

Now his old twitter account, unused for many years, is being pored over.

Apparently DiVincenzo had some disparaging words to say regarding a minority or two ----

When he was 14 years old.

C'mon people. Get a life. Who didn't say and do dumb things when they were that age? To try and hold it against him now is the epitome of pettiness.

For that matter, as far as yours truly is concerned, whatever he said (I'm not privy and don't want to be) so long ago wouldn't faze me in the least. Even if he said the exact same thing or things today.

He had and has a right to his opinions, and can use whatever words he darn well feels like. If one is following such a person's tweets and doesn't like it, stop following. Pretty simple. But you don't get to tell him what he can say and not say. That's ridiculous.

And believe it or not, it doesn't matter what he tweeted. There will be those that agree with him. Guaranteed. It takes all kinds, and they're out there.

So leave the kid alone already. He said what he said and so what? People always have and always will say disparaging things to and about each other. To pretend otherwise is nonsense.

I applaud him for his masterful performance in the title game, and only hope he has the cajones not to whimper, cry, and beg for forgiveness for stating his mind.

When he was 14.

Or even now.

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