Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The ultimate Ohio State wimp-out

Well OK then. After ridiculously long "deliberations" the powers that be at Ohio State have finally reached a decision regarding their head football coach -- one Urban Meyer. Not related to Oscar -- I think, though baloney comes to mind.

At issue was whether dear Urban would be allowed to stay on in his position, making the box-car loads of money that comes with it.

This was in light of the allegations against a former underling coach on his staff, one Zach Smith.

It should be noted that while many have come to consider Smith some sort of wife abuser, no charges were ever filed against him, much less a trial and conviction happening. In the eyes of the law, dear Zach remains as pure as the proverbial driven snow.

But in today's maniacal politically correct world, sometimes that's just not good enough. Even the faintest hint of impropriety is heavily frowned on.

People have taken Meyer to task because he brought Smith along with him from their jobs at Florida U., despite the original allegations happening way back then.

True, Meyer got caught in a lie, which he feebly tried to "spin" later when asked how he had handled that situation.

And whether or not he duly "reported" any such further "suspicious" activity to his superiors at Ohio State remains an open question.

Yet in the end, OSU had a hard decision to make.

After all, nobody would doubt Meyer is a terrific football coach. His record speaks for itself, including a national championship not that long ago at OSU.

Should they cut him loose and likely have to eat the remainder of his multi-million dollar contract, while bringing in a new guy and having to pay him almost as much? As in being double-dinged?

Or should they keep him on and try to weather the politically correct storm?

Turns out, they did neither.

They copped a plea.

After all that, the official verdict is Meyer will be suspended for the first three games of the 2018 season.

True to form for most "power-house" football teams, OSU's first three games hardly represent any sort of serious competition.

Oregon State, Rutgers, and TCU -- all at home. Yes, TCU is ranked in the top 20, but they likely won't be after the gawd-awful beat down they'll probably endure at the "Horseshoe".

In the end, the suits at OSU refused to take a stand -- either way. They're trying to have their cake and eat it too.

Good grief. If their "moral" standards, a very loose term when applied to college football, were violated, then Meyer should have been sent packing. Outta here. Hit the road, Jack.

Conversely, if they wanted to (with apologies to Tammy Wynette) "stand by their man" then dammit, stand by him and don't suspend him at all.

The upshot of the whole sorry mess?

Ohio State wimped out.

And nobody likes a wimp.

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