Friday, June 22, 2012

Jerry Sandusky. Guilty!!!

The jury has spoken. Sandusky was found guilty on 45 out of 48 counts relating to various sexual abuses of young boys in years past.

While countless others will write and talk about this tragedy in serious tones, somebody has to have the audacity and/or unmitigated gall to spoof it. Given the gravity of the situation, some might say only an insensitive jackass with the brains of a dandelion would do such a thing. I would agree, and welcome to my world. Onward.

Sandusky, currently 68, could potentially face 442 years in prison. That's a long time. Back in 1670, 442 years ago, George Washington hadn't even been born yet, though there are rumors that Regis Philbin began talking at approximately that time.

Things look mighty bleak for Sandusky right about now, but perhaps there's a bright side. If he gets sentenced to 442 years in prison, he'll likely be eligible for parole after a couple hundred, and surely Larry King will get the first exclusive interview upon his release.

Then again, maybe it won't come to that. Nobody knows what sentence the judge will hand down. Just a thought, but if Judge Cleland dispenses with jail time, and merely mandates Sandusky to perform a few hundred hours of community service benefiting neighborhood youths -- there's a possibility many would be outraged. No sense of humor -- those people.

Poor Piers Morgan. He's the Brit with a nightly hour-long show on CNN. When the verdicts came in, but had yet to be made public, Morgan's hour was getting towards the end. He had to twist in the wind, eventually going off the air and giving way to Anderson Cooper, who would get the major "scoop" by announcing the verdicts. Was it planned that way or tape-delayed for a few minutes? We'll never know, but while the chap from "across the pond" is quite likeable, let's not forget Cooper comes from the Vanderbilt family. Vanderbilts have historically seemed to have a way with getting whatever they want.

It was also interesting to hear an attorney representing one of the "victims", before the verdicts were announced. Asked if a Sandusky "not guilty" verdict would be a "hammer blow", he responded, not necessarily. Then he went on to reference the OJ murder trial, where Simpson was acquitted of criminal charges, but the ensuing civil suits of "wrongful death" were successful.

And there it was.

The money. Eventually, it's always about the money. The guilty verdicts made it easier for them, but make no mistake. These people were lying in wait like a school of hungry piranhas in the Amazon. By the time they're done, the Sandusky bones will likely be picked clean.

Seriously, that begs another question. Chances are, Jerry will never get out of prison. He'll get his "3 hots and a cot" until he dies. His house, furniture, bank accounts, cars, investments, and whatever other belongings he accumulated over his lifetime are irrelevant -- at least to him.

But what of his wife Dottie, and even his kids/grandkids? No one has remotely suggested any of them were in any way responsible for his crimes. Yet, when the piranhas get done, they might find themselves homeless, broke, and with nothing left to inherit.

Is that fair?

Food for thought.

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