Saturday, September 15, 2018

More idle thoughts

Why do the Goodyear people send one of their blimps thousands of miles to cover a football game -- that's being played in a domed stadium? I mean, what's the point? All those heart-stopping shots of a parking lot full of cars? Please.

So former Detroit Piston Jaxon Maxiell -- on TV no less -- said he had slept with 341 women -- while his wife was sitting next to him on the stage? The good Mrs. Maxiell did not appear to be amused. Betcha some lawyer is licking his/her chops over this one. Good luck with THAT Jason. Methinks you're about to learn a whole meaning of the phrase "slam dunk".

Thing is, Mrs. Maxiell said she could handle eight or so, but 341 was a bit much. Dang, she was OK with her hubby only stepping out on her eight times? Strange. Very strange. Maybe she needs a loooooong talk with Dr. Phil. Or Ellen. Or Oprah. Somebody.

Probably not Donald Trump, though. Ix-nay that idea. He might give Jason a medal or something.

The Wisconsin Badgers, formerly #6 in the country, just got knocked off by unranked BYU. At home, to boot. Ouch. Poof, say good-bye to any national championship aspirations. All gone. Ah heck. It's probably going to be Bama/Clemson IV at the end of the season anyway.

Detroit Tigers update.

A while back in this space (see August, "Detroit Tigers and a bet" -- stage right) yours truly went on about how I (sort of) got roped into a bet regarding the Tigers.

My stance was they would finish the 2018 regular season no better than 20 games under .500 (71-91).

At present they stand at 60-88, a full 28 games under .500. Simple math dictates that with 14 games remaining, they'd have to go 12-2 or better for me to come up on the short end of said wager. Let's see. One more with the Cleveland Indians, six against the Minnesota Twins, four with the KC Royals, and a season ending three game set with the Milwaukee Brewers. Can they win 12 of those games? I think not. True, it's not an absolute lock just yet, but I'm starting to like that bet more and more.

In the immortal words of one Al Davis -- just lose, baby. Or something like that.

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