Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Darius Slay, Pro-Bowler LOL

Fortunately, or more probably not, the NFL has a rule whereby all teams must be represented at the Pro Bowl.

Some of the really good teams -- see KC Chiefs, LA Chargers, etc. -- might have half a dozen players worthy of such an honor.

Conversely, some of the really bad teams -- see Detroit Lions -- don't have a single player on their roster that remotely qualifies as a "star". They're...just...that...bad.

That includes quarterback Matthew Stafford. Here's a guy that's been in the league ten years, has a career record of ten games UNDER .500, and hasn't won a single playoff game. And the Lions are paying THAT $30 million a year? Really? Only in Detroit could such lunacy happen.

Nonetheless, the "voters" had to choose somebody on the Lions for the post-season honor. So they likely held their noses and came up with ----

Cornerback Darius Slay. LOL 

DS proudly refers to himself as "big play Slay".

That he is, in a perverse sort of way. The problem being, he gives up a lot of big plays to the opponents rather than preventing them.

In any typical Lions game, you can pretty well count on Slay getting torched by an opposing receiver for a long gainer at least once.

And he seems to have this nasty penchant for holding as well, which often times enables the other team to keep a drive going. On any given pass play, watching Slay closely reveals he's holding a receiver one way or the other. As often as he gets flagged for it, it's a miracle there aren't even MORE yellow hankies thrown in his direction.

It could certainly be argued that Slay is an overall negative, not a positive, for his team

And now THIS guy will be celebrated at season's end playing basically an exhibition game with the best of the best around the NFL, with a big cha-ching bonus for having made the Pro-Bowl as well?

It's insanity.

All the while, because Slay made the team due to some retarded league-mandated quota, some other worthy player elsewhere doesn't make the cut?

Darius Slay. Pro-Bowler.


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