Friday, December 21, 2018

Josh Gordon. Going, going.....

And we know what the unsaid last word in the title of this post usually is. Such would seem to be the case with one Josh Gordon, a wonderfully gifted receiver that appears unable to overcome those pesky "substances" the NFL says thou shalt not use.

Full disclosure. Has yours truly ever smoked weed? Sure. I went to college for four years and I'd wager less than 5% of the students didn't try it at one time or another. Thing is, I never much liked how it made me feel. So I don't partake now, and haven't for several decades. That's just me. To each their own.

Do I think it should be legalized across the board? Absolutely. And it will be eventually. One by one, the states are bowing to the will of the people, and even the feds will have to give the ridiculous "war" trying to stop it in time. Hey, it's everywhere, and has been for a long time. I don't have any serious connections", but I also have no doubt I could walk out my door any day of the week and score a bag within 30 minutes. Who's kidding who?

Thing is, when your employer says "don't do it", because we don't approve and we'll be testing for it, you have a choice. Either give it up, or keep on and start looking for a new job. Because, legal or not, you're going to get busted -- it's just a matter of time.

Josh Gordon, of course, knew this. And I, for one, aren't buying any of this "came from a rough childhood" nonsense. It's totally irrelevant, even insulting to semi-intelligent people. Gordon's a walking, talking, adult human being with a mind that appears quite functional.

[Idle thought. I just saw a few minutes of "The Wizard Of Oz" again for the umpteenth time. Nobody doubts this movie was one of the all-time classics. But a question. How did the Tin Man get all rusted up in the first place when tin doesn't corrode/oxidize? Maybe they should have called him the Iron Man instead. Oh wait. Back in those days (1939), Lou Gehrig already had that title. Never mind.]

Back to Gordon. Even JG himself has admitted he used a lot of stuff over the years. Not just pot, but coke and a few others as well. No problem here. Do what ya gotta do and whatever turns ya on. But if you keep getting zapped by your employer, (and the NFL, in tandem with the Players' Union has a lot more lenient policy towards such things than many employers), with suspensions and the like, you just might want to rethink your priorities. Is continuing to get high really worth forfeiting millions of bucks?

Gordon has also copped to having consumer alcohol or smoked pot before most every game in his entire career. No doubt that statement reverberated in a lot of places. And not in a good way.

Nevertheless, Josh Gordon is still only 27 years old. He should be in the prime of his NFL career, instead of on indefinite suspension again, with his chances of ever getting another "shot" dismal at best.

It seems such a waste.

But who knows? Maybe he's saved up enough dough from prior years to let him live the life of semi-luxury while enjoying the "smoke" he evidently enjoys so much.

If so, more power to him. As Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame was famous for saying -- live long and prosper.

Yet somehow, yours truly thinks this is going to end badly, one way or the other.

I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he never sees 40. Maybe even less.

All that talent, fame, and money -- poof --  down the tubes. Gone.

And that would be so very sad.


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