Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Oscar Pistorius update

Well OK. We all know the basics. In March of 2013, Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius shot and fatally wounded his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp through a bathroom door.

Oscar says he feared an intruder in crime-ridden South Africa and mistakenly shot in self defense.

The prosecutor says he knew it was Reeva behind that door all along and killed her intentionally.

It would take a full year from the incident until the trial actually got started. Sure, the "crime scene" needed to be examined, which might take a couple days. Forensics had to be checked out. Maybe another few days. And any and all witnesses (there were none) thoroughly interviewed as to what they thought they might have heard from hundreds of yards away.

As it goes these days, anybody with the slightest connection to Oscar or Reeva had to be sought out and deposed. Were they getting along? Fighting? We he nuts? Was she? Of course, none of this is remotely relevant. Either he killed her on purpose or it was a tragic accident. Bottom line is -- only Oscar knows for sure.

They even brought in shrinks to examine Pistorius to see if he was mentally competent. He was and is, but it makes for a story amongst the tabloidish people.

Yet one is left to wonder -- what the hell kind of courts do they have in South Africa anyway? The actual trial started in March of this year. Both the prosecution and defense called multiple "witnesses" to the stand and grilled them for days. Oscar was a nice guy and loved Reeva, one would say. Another would claim Oscar was a loose cannon who wanted rid of Reeva. All of which basically established nothing factual. Just opinions.

Earlier in the trial, the judge, one Thokozile Masipa, in her infinite wisdom, put the whole works on hold for a month for reasons yet to be fully understood. Maybe she had vacation plans. Who knows?

Also along the way, the head police investigator, who eventually admitted he had compromised the "crime scene", and wasn't sure about his testimony, had to be disqualified. Turns out, he was facing murder charges himself. If it wasn't so ludicrous, it would be funny.

But finally, mercifully, after all the accusations, innuendos, testimony, worthless opinions, and all-around theatrics from both sides had concluded after 4 1/2 months, the defense rested. The meat and potatoes of the trial was over. 

For some incredible reason, Thoko Ma put everything on hold again for yet another month. How much vacation time do judges get in South Africa anyway?

Closing arguments are finally scheduled to be heard in the next few days. How long can they possibly take? The defense is going to say it was an accident. The prosecution is going to say it was on purpose. All the rest is nothing more than blathering on about stuff that doesn't matter, and certainly can't be proven -- either way.

And in the end, the Honorable Thokozile Masipa will have to make the call. No jury, just a judge. That's how it works in South Africa. If she believes Oscar, he walks. If she believes the prosecutor, he facing up to 25 years in prison.

Once the closing arguments are done, and the judge has to start deliberating her verdict -- here's hoping she doesn't find another reason to take another month or two off.

This has gone on way too long already. Good grief, Pistorius has already had to sell the house he and Reeva once shared to help pay his attorney fees as this thing drags on and on.

Personally, yours truly has no idea what was going through his head the night of the fateful shots. And if you're honest -- you'll admit you don't either.

But all the evidence, or lack thereof, has long been established -- or not.

Time for Thoko Ma to stop stalling and step up to make the call -- one way or the other.

Alas, regardless of her verdict, the losing side will find some reason to appeal.

And then we'll get to do this all over again.


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