Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Here's giving thanks for a lot of things.

For my parents. Enough said.

Some people say health. Yours truly says for being born in the first place, arguably human, in the US of A, and having lived through a lot of things I probably shouldn't have.

For all the good people I've met along the way, because they made life so much better.

For all the bad people I've come across because, in a sense, I learned from them.

For all the friends I care a great deal about, and can only hope they feel the same way towards me.

Even for my ex, bless her little heart. I think.

For my beloved yorkies, that I wouldn't trade for any amount of money.

Even for that nosy neighbor of mine, who I really wish would get a life and stop spying on everybody, because it could probably be worse, but I'm not sure how.

For a roof over my head and enough other stuff to get me by.

Especially for being fortunate enough to experience a lot of things many others never will -- both good and bad.

For whatever tomorrow brings, because if I wake up -- it's a good day. Some won't. Check the obits. If you're in there, it's a very bad sign.

Finally, begrudgingly, even for that no good, dirty rotten scoundrel of a sports editor -- one Jeff Kuehn -- that somehow talked me into this blogging mess in the first place.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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