Friday, December 23, 2011

Panic strikes again

When I first saw it, I thought it might be another terrorist attack. Possibly some nut case inside shooting up the place with bodies everywhere. If not that, then perhaps the interior of the building was being consumed by some raging inferno.

How else to explain the thousands of wild-eyed, panic-stricken people, bursting through all those doors in an apparent attempt to get away from whatever terrible thing was happening inside? They ran aimlessly about, while stampeding each other with no regard for anybody else but themselves. Forget about friends and loved ones, this was human nature reduced to it's most primal form. Survival.

Turns out -- they weren't trying to get OUT, they were trying to get IN. How can this be?

It seems several stores were finally opening their doors to the public, where they had a limited supply of the latest and greatest version of "Air Jordans" in stock. First come, first serve. Every man, woman, and child for themselves. They'll worry about mopping up the blood later.

Silly me. I thought we were in a recession where a lot of people were worried about having a place to live -- along with heat, lights, and something to eat. If those same people will risk life and limb to put out a couple C-notes for a pair of fancy tennis shoes -- then obviously I was wrong.

And somewhere in China, the workers at a shoe factory will smile when they see the same video.

Yeah, the pay over there might not be so hot -- but at least they HAVE jobs.

Don't get me wrong. I like Mike, too. But.....C'MON MAN.

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