Sunday, September 1, 2013

Brian Burke's potential problem in Russia

On the back page of the latest issue of Sports Illustrated, Brian Burke penned quite an article. Hockey fans know that Burke enjoyed a long, if occasionally controversial career in the NHL. What many may not know is Burke has also been vocally pro-gay since his own son Brendan "came out" back in 2007. Tragically, Brendan died in a car accident a few years later, but Burke has carried on his own "message of love and inclusivity". And that's great. More power to him, but he might be headed for trouble.

Burke holds dual Canadian-US citizenship, and few would doubt the LGBT community has made enormous strides in both countries in just the last few years. As an "average" American myself, I'm all for equal rights across the board.

But the US and Canada aren't Russia, and that could be a problem. It seems their legislators recently enacted statutes whereby they would "tolerate" such "folks", but flaunting their life styles would be against the law. Such things as marching in pride parades or waving rainbow flags might draw the ire of the authorities.

The winter Olympic games in Soshi, Russia draw near. By Burke's own admission, which I whole-heartedly agree with, the Olympics should be about athletes competing against the best from around the world. They should not be used as a forum for political statements, or any other agenda, regardless of it's merits. Olympians of every stripe train hard for many years just to get there. So leave them alone and let them compete.

In Burke's words again -- "Last week Russia assured the IOC that it would not discriminate against homosexuals during the Games, but it did not back down from the enforcement of its new laws, even if that means prosecuting athletes".

So if I understand this correctly, any and all athletes, including those of the LGBT way of life, will be welcomed, given equal opportunity to compete, and provided with the same security as everybody else. Sounds fair enough to me.

But evidently, that's not good enough for Brian Burke. While he is there representing the US and USA Hockey, he also intends to spout off about the You Can Play Project, which is dedicated to ending homophilia in sports. This would seem to contradict his original agenda about the Olympics being strictly about sports and the thrill of competing against the best.

Good luck with that, Brian. The Russians have already publicly announced a "hands-off" policy while the Games are going on. Yet if you insist on smacking that sleeping bear on the backside with a big stick in the name of your own cause, while in their country, don't say you weren't warned if that bear wakes up with an attitude and something bad happens. They have their own culture and their own reasons for doing things. Other people might not like it, but it IS their country. They get to make their own rules.

Upon his arrival in Russia, perhaps Burke would be well advised to remember the immortal words of wisdom uttered by Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.

We're not in Kansas anymore Toto.

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