Friday, December 13, 2013

Lamar Odom and Khloe K

It appears another "celebrity", and I use that term loosely, marriage is about to bite the dust. No big suprise there. Somewhere in la-la land, the glitter folks with way too many dollars and not nearly enough sense, seem to break up every -- well -- what time is it? Doesn't matter. Before the big hand goes around on the wall clock again, chances are good another such break-up will come along, and it will be big news to some. Personally, yours truly can normally sum up his reaction to such things in one word -- yawn. Or perhaps another five word phrase would be more appropriate. Who gives a rat's ass?

But this time I happened to read an on-line blurb about the imminent spousal demise of Lamar and Khloe, and besides finding it comical, yours truly got an urge to write about it. There's that, and I couldn't think of anything else. Soooooo, onward with even more stupidity, by my own hand.

Lamar Odom has been an NBA basketball player from 1999 to the present. He's earned millions and millions of dollars during his tenure with a few different teams over that period of time. While with the LA Lakers, he even hoisted a couple world championships. His last stop was where he started -- with the LA Clippers, who aren't too shabby themselves these days. Though now a free agent, Odom's only 34, and claims to be staying in shape hoping another team will give him a call. Could happen. The dude's 6-10, and he's been there, done that at the highest levels of the game. During the course of a long NBA season, with the usual assortment of injuries likely occurring, it's not much of a stretch to imagine some team might suddenly find the services of Odom to be attractive. And he'd get paid more millions.

On the other hand, his soon to be ex-wife Khloe Kardashian has carved out her niche in the annals (yes, that last word is spelled correctly -- two ens -- though a good case could be made for only one... hmmm, nevermind) of American lore by -- well -- that would seem to be a good question. A couple reality shows with her sisters? I tuned into one of those once called Keeping Up With the Kardashians. When it was mercifully over, yours truly thought it would be much more interesting, not to mention intellectually challenging, trying to keep up with the weeds that have a way of sprouting up in the garden. And if weeds could talk, scary thought, I have a strong hunch those conversations would be a lot more stimulating than what I saw on that show.

Like the Manchurian Candidate, and a few boy/girl bands that have been thrown together over the years, the K girls seem to be without any substance. A money-making creation by the powers-that-be, to prey on those of even feebler minds. Throw in the ever-present libido factor amongst the masses that will forever think with the wrong heads, and presto -- stars are born. It doesn't make any sense, yet it's very real. Pitiful, but real. But I digress.

Thing is, it appears Khloe won't be asking for any spousal support (as in a major cha-ching) from Lamar. Well, bless her little Armenian heart for small favors. Like him or not for personal reasons, Lamar Odom has pounded his way up and down NBA basketball courts for 14 years earning his money. As one of the K girls, his soon-to-be ex can claim exactly what? Besides the moronic reality shows -- having a fake sun tan product, a perfume, and a failed line of clothing in their names? And do you really think for one second anybody in that family had anything to do with mixing the chemicals or designing the outfits that they put their names on? Puh-leeze.

Lamar Odom may or may not find his way back onto an NBA basketball team somewhere. At 34, he's not exactly a youngster, but he's no geezer either. There's a lot of guys still playing at a high level that are older than he is.

But methinks poor Khloe, with the dreaded 30 knocking on her door next spring, will find herself put out to pasture in the whole scheme of things sooner than Lamar.

Like they say. It's a business, right?

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